Why your small business needs to take mobile seriously

Is your small business taking advantage of mobile devices?

The business world is constantly caught up in a whirlwind of technological developments, and companies of all sizes need to take heed of the latest new trends - such as mobile. According to the experts at Gartner, mobile makes up a quarter of its so-called Nexus of Forces - the four disruptive technologies that will revolutionise businesses.

Large companies are utilising the power of mobile, whether it is through having a custom-built app or using the platform as a marketing tool. As a small business owner, you may have asked yourself whether you should consider mobile technology. The answer is a resounding yes.

Take a recent study from Forrester Research, for instance, which highlights just how much more consumers are engaged on mobile devices than on traditional PCs. According to the research group's report, people are more likely to interact with brands on social media - that is, reading, liking, sharing and commenting on content - when they are using mobile devices compared to PCs. While nearly half of tablet and smartphone social users (49 per cent and 46 per cent respectively) engaged with a brand's post at least weekly, barely over a third (37 per cent) of PC users did so.

With social media now one of the most influential assets in a company's marketing toolkit, it is certainly worth noting how consumer experience and engagement differs according to device. Your company shouldn't solely focus its mobile efforts on clocking up Facebook likes, however, as the technology has an endless array of business opportunities.

Creating a custom app for your small business can be a powerful way to leverage the power of mobile, for instance - and it's not as difficult as many believe. By having a constant presence on your customers' devices, you can boost engagement, interaction, and promotion opportunities.

Most of all, it's a great way to get creative - so have a think about what kind of app would work best for your business.