Selecting the right staff for your small business

January 15th, 2014

Selecting the right staff for your small business Selecting the right staff for your small business

Small businesses have vastly different needs to their larger counterparts, and one of the biggest differences lies in who they should hire.

To ensure your business continues to develop and grow into the future, you need to make sure you have the right people on board. Selecting the wrong candidates can prove to be a costly mistake that impacts your small business finance.

Here are some points you should consider when recruiting for your small business.

Are contractors an option?

If your business is just starting out, it may not yet have the resources to take on full-time staff for certain roles.

A viable alternative can therefore be to hire contractors or other external, outsourced professionals such as freelancers to take on some of the work. For example, small businesses may find it more practicable for a third-party accountant to manage their cash flow finance instead of having one in-house.

Tap into your network

Although recruitment agencies are a great way to find the right talent for your growing company, the costs involved mean they aren't an option for everyone.

You should therefore make full use of your personal and professional network when looking for candidates - ask your family, friends and former colleagues whether they know of anyone on the radar.

As your closest peers are likely to know about the specific requirements of your business, they may be able to point you in the right direction.

It's all in the mindset

Attitude is key to work, and it is crucial your new recruits know the ins and outs of working for a small business.

Although you may think hiring someone with experience working for a large corporation may help your business grow, you should, at least initially, look for people who are used to working for smaller companies.

They are more likely to understand just what makes small business click and possess the flexibility to work for such companies.