Debtor finance - your business's best friend in times of need

February 10th, 2014

Your business might be strapped for cash when restructuring - but debtor finance can help.

In an ideal world, running a business would be much like sailing through a calm ocean - you reach your destinations without any choppy waves or storms holding you back.

All business owners know this couldn't be farther from the truth, and organisations of any shape and size can struggle to keep their heads above the water.

In dire circumstances, effectively maintaining your cash flow finance becomes even more important. Having a steady supply of cash to fall back on can prove critical in whether your business makes it through the tough times or not.

For those looking for a safe and efficient cash solution to get them through, debtor finance is one of the best choices - here are just two scenarios in which it can help out.


Whether it's to changes in workforce, ownership or operations, many businesses will at some stage face a major restructuring project. Even rapidly-growing companies encounter this problem as they will have to expand their business to cope with new demands.

With so many things to manage during this intricate process, cash flow can be strained to an extreme. If your business doesn't have the cash to keep it moving during change, there's a good chance it can fall off the tracks.

Debtor financing is a relatively quick, affordable and hassle free solution that can help your company navigate periods of transition with a steady supply of cash.

Business slumps

Companies in many of Australia's top industries are at the mercy of external, uncontrollable circumstances. For example, the manufacturing sector depends heavily on the state of the global economy and favourable export conditions.

When your business's income dries up during slumps, you'll need to make sure your cash flow doesn't stop as well. If you do have a stack of invoices that are waiting to be settled, however, you can put these to good use with the right business funding solutions - a debtor finance company can help you turn them into cash you can instantly use.