Once you’ve set your SMART business goals (part one of this series) and have your KPI targets in place to measure your progress (part two of the series), the final step towards achieving your goals is to analyse your performance.
This analysis should identify any corrective action that may be necessary, such as a change in strategy or resource allocation.
Here are our top 3 tips to help you analyse your business performance.
If your business performance has met or exceeded a KPI target, you are well on your way to achieving the associated SMART goal.
If you have significantly exceeded a KPI target, you may want to consider revising its associated goal upwards in an attempt to boost your performance further. However, if you do, just make sure that the revised goal is still achievable (one of the five characteristics of SMART goals).
On the other hand, if you haven’t reached a KPI target, it’s essential to identify why you haven’t. Potential reasons could include:
As you can see, once you identify the reason why you haven’t hit a KPI target, you can take appropriate corrective action.
When analysing your business performance, it’s a good idea to break your analysis down into three categories:
All of these areas will affect your overall business performance, so it’s important to identify both positive and negative trends in specific areas of the business that may be influencing performance in other areas. When you do, you can take appropriate action.
For example, if you are tracking well against your financial KPIs, you may be able to:
On the other hand, if the business isn’t attracting enough new customers to hit your financial performance targets, you may be able to implement strategies such as increasing your marketing/advertising budget.
Similarly, if employee performance isn’t reaching the desired levels, you may be able to source finance to invest in equipment to help your staff improve their productivity or get them some appropriate training.
There are five categories of ratios to measure different aspects of business performance. In each of those five categories, there are a vast number of different ratios to use.
They include:
Formulae for some of the popular ratios:
This ratio demonstrates your ability to meet your short-term business debts with your cash flow. Your liquidity ratio should at least be higher than 1, and ideally between 2 or 3 (depending on your industry).
This ratio demonstrates how much of your business is funded by owner investments (equity) versus borrowed funds (debt from lenders). Your debt to equity ratio should be no higher than 2.
Net profit ratios vary by industry but ideally shouldn’t be much lower than 10%. Obviously, the higher the ratio, the better. You should measure all of these key financial ratios when analysing your business’ performance and compare them to industry benchmarks and your goals.
With a solid set of KPIs aligned to your business goals, analysing your performance using ratios and data analysis will keep your finger on the pulse of your business success. When you’re periodically comparing your results to your KPIs, you’ll be in the best position to catch any threats to your success as they arise. Which in turn gives you the power to redirect your business.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our three-part Business New Year Series, and we wish you and your business all the success for 2023 and beyond.
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