A very Merry Christmas from CashFlow Advantage!

So another year is already drawing to a close. We have fewer than three weeks left in 2013, and I just can't believe how quickly this year's flown by!

It's been great fun writing this blog throughout the year, and I can honestly say it's a weekly personal highlight for me. I've always enjoyed sharing my pearls of wisdom and I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have writing them.

As you all know, Christmas is a time to be generous, so I think I'll be a bit generous with my bragging for today's blog post - my last for the year. CashFlow Advantage has simply had an amazing year in 2013 as we continue to expand our client base and take on new business.

Of course, we couldn't possibly be where we are today without the continued support of our loyal customers, and I'd like to thank all of you for sharing in our success.

My last piece of advice for my readers before we give this blog a bit of a rest for the holiday season is to make the most of Christmas. No, that doesn't mean just pigging out on the turkey - you should remember that this is an ideal time to reflect on your company's financial performance over the year.

Sit down with your accountant and have a look at your results either for the calendar year or your first six months of the financial year. Have you been managing your small business finance well? Did you do what you set out to do and meet - or even exceed - your targets?

Also remember to properly switch off from your business and take the time to relax with your family. I can't stress this enough - so to save me the trouble of having to repeat myself, check out my recent blog posts that go into depth on this topic!

Once again a very Merry Christmas from CashFlow Advantage, and I wish you all the best for your week in business - see you all in the new year!